Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Earth Day

Our class got some brown paper bags from Winco and decorated them.  We will be taking the bags back to Winco to put back into the shelves for customers to use.  Hopefully our good messages will reach lots of people!  We had a good time decorating the bags.

Run for the Arts

Last week on Friday the students went to the Portland Christian High School and ran around the track to raise money for Russell Academy.  One our our students was able to get around the track 12 times!  Please turn in your pledge money by Friday, April 27th.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Trailblazer Visit!

Several students from our class were able to attend a very special assembly today.  One of the players from the Portland Trailblazers was here to honor the students who tracked and read over Spring Break.  The students all received a free t-shirt, ruler, and pencil.  Three of our students were even able to get their t-shirt autographed!  What a neat opportunity for our students! Read, read, read!

Portland Japanese Garden Special Guests

Today we had two special guests come to our classroom to talk to us about the beauty of Haiku Poetry.  The students used all 5 senses to think of adjectives to describe rain and then pictures of seasons from the Portland Japanese Gardens.  A field trip to the Gardens is planned for April 24th.  More information will be coming.  Ask your child about Haiku poetry!